Selena Gomez – The Most Important Details of Her Life

Selena Gomez - The Most Important Details of Her Life

At the age of 31, Selena Gomez has everything: attractive appearance, glory, money, a successful career and the whole army of fans. But it is interesting what is behind of this wonderful life!

Behind this is a serious health problems, bad childhood memories, a broken heart, which still hurts and mental problems.

Selena Gomez and her Mom
Selena Gomez and her Mom

Her childhood wasn’t perfect. Her mother was 16 when she was born. When Selena was 5, her parents broke up. “I was disappointed, didn’t know what was happening, I just wanted a family, however then I realized, that my mother had done everything right”, said Selena in the interview.

Selena Gomez - The Most Important Details of Her Life
Selena Gomez – The Most Important Details of Her Life

Her next trauma was Justin Bieber.

Their relationship started very well, the whole world was talking about them, two bright stars met each other, but their story ended very bad, after several splits and reconciliations. Justin Bieber married Selena’s friend Hailey Bieber.

Selena Gomez and Francia Rice
Selena Gomez and Francia Rice

For many years, Gomez suffered not only from Bieber, but also from an incurable disease. Her friend, an actress Francia Rice, has transplanted her kidney. Gomez later remarked, “She saved my life.

It became known about the singer’s illness in 2013. Doctors strongly recommended chemotherapy, so Gomez had to stop the concert tour.

Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez

Unfortunately, after the treatment, Selena repeatedly developed side effects: panic attacks and depression. One day, the star found herself in a rehabilitation center and began treatment to improve her emotional state.