Famous footballer David Beckham is an excellent cook. Victoria Beckham does not eat anything from the dishes prepared by her beloved husband and, for many years, gave up her favorite products to keep in shape.
Former singer and now designer, mother of 4 children, Victoria turned 48 a few weeks ago, but for many years now, she is always in shape, looks perfect, and is constantly on the list of tasteful women. In addition, she is a good wife and a good mother, which is why she is so loved in her native England and is the ideal of many women.
Daily Routine
She makes enough sacrifices to stay in shape. She gets up every day at 6 o’clock, goes to the gym, and exercises. Then he is busy with housework and work and exercises again during the day – with more effort. Then comes pool time or yoga, or even running a few miles. In addition, she pays great attention to nutrition. For 25 years, she has been eating the same dish for dinner – steamed fish with vegetables. As her husband says, this diet is violated only in the fourth pregnancy; in other cases, it never breaks, and neither pizza, hamburgers, nor anything else is tempting.
Victoria says that for many years now, she has not enjoyed eating and considers food only a source of energy that increases strength.
Early Years
Victoria was born into a reasonably wealthy family. Her father was an engineer and had his own business. However, she usually went to school, where her classmates constantly ridiculed her. As a teenager, she was fat and had a rash on her face, which is why she started having complexes.

When the famous group of the 2000s hit the Spice Girls and became popular, the excitement and nervousness intensified even more. She believed the paparazzi were hungry for her bad photos, so she rarely walked down the street or covered her face while taking photos. She was ashamed of her smile too – she believed that active mimicry would leave wrinkles on her skin, so she walked like an ice queen.
Cosmetic Procedures
Following the complexes and trends, several plastic surgeries were performed, including slightly correcting the shape of the nose and implanting breast implants. When Victoria left the scene and became interested in clothing design, she no longer needed to show off her body in public and became a fan of natural beauty. The implants were removed before the birth of her fourth child, allowing her to breathe freely. In one interview, she admitted that plastic surgery could only be used to remove complexes.
“Take yourself as you are! Every girl is beautiful in her way!” – often repeats to fans.
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