Incredible Fan Art of The Amazing Spider-Man in a Venom Symbiote Costume

Amazing Spider-Man Venom

With his incredible work, artist Arkin Tyagi allows us to imagine what Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man would look like in a Venom symbiote costume.

Have you ever imagined what Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man might look like in the Black Venom symbiote suit? Arkin Tyagi, an English illustrator/art director, creator of Spook, The Alpha Council, Heal, and Mythology Genesis series, posted his work on Twitter. With his work, the artist gives us the opportunity to see Andrew Garfield’s persona from a different angle.

After the cancellation of Garfield’s third film in the Spider-Man franchise, fans are eager to see him in symbiote costume. Because the character in this incredible work is extremely attractive.

In 2012 and 2014, Andrew Garfield played Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man. There were still plans for an Amazing Spider-Man sequel in 2016 and 2018.

In 2015, Sony announced that it had reached an agreement with Marvel Studios to incorporate Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Later, Andrew Garfield’s character appeared with Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland in “The Spider-Man: No Way Home”.

Will The Amazing Spider-Man 3 be released?

After “The Spider-Man: No Way Home”, there has been renewed interest among fans regarding the return of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, Although this may be true, but whether Sony will breathe fresh life into this incredible franchise remains to be seen.

This is supported by actor Tom Holland, who said that he is in favor of The Amazing Spider-Man 3 if Sony expresses the desire to make a movie. Holland also mentioned Andrew Garfield’s scene from the film where he saves Zendaya. The actor additionally says that the reaction of people during this scene was amazing.

As a matter of fact, the artist’s work appears to be very interesting, and it would be really interesting to see Spider-Man in a black symbiote costume.

To see other works of the English artist, visit his Twitter profile, where you will find different and very interesting illustrations of everyone’s favorite superheroes and other characters.